
匹克羅合唱管弦樂團(Piccolo coro & Piccola orchestra)即將帶來一場四個世紀的捷克聖樂和世俗音樂之旅,精彩可期,不容錯過。演出曲目包括捷克作曲家茲德涅克·盧卡斯(Zdeněk Lukáš)的《主禱文》(Pater Noster)五聲部無伴奏,此為捷克共和國最常表演的現代古典作品之一;20世紀最受尊敬的歐洲作曲家之一彼得·埃本(Petr Eben)的作品《Cantico delle creature》以及博胡斯拉夫·馬丁努(Bohuslav Martinů)、揚·諾瓦克(Jan Novák)、萊奧什·雅納切克(Leoš Janáček)的作品等。

2024年被稱為捷克音樂年,音樂會也帶來貝多伊齊·史麥塔納(Bedřich Smetana)――捷克民族音樂之父的合唱作品《讓我們歡欣和快樂》(Proč bychom se netěšili)當中最著名的捷克歌劇《被出賣的新娘》(The Bartered Bride)開場曲。2024年慶祝史麥塔納誕辰200週年,匹克羅合唱管弦樂團於世界各地舉辦音樂會和節慶,慶祝捷克作曲家豐富的歷史,希望透過這場音樂會來展示捷克音樂所具有的意義與特色。

The Piccolo Choir & Small Orchestra are bringing you on a journey through four centuries of Czech sacred and secular music, promising excitement that you won’t want to miss. The performance includes a selection of captivating pieces, such as Zdeněk Lukáš’ “Pater Noster,” a five-part unaccompanied prayer, which stands as one of the most frequently performed modern classical works in the Czech Republic. Also featured are works by Petr Eben, one of the most respected European composers of the 20th century, including “Cantico delle creature,” as well as compositions by Bohuslav Martinů, Jan Novák, and Leoš Janáček.

2024 is celebrated as the Czech Music Year, and the concert presents a highlight from Bedřich Smetana, the father of Czech national music, with the opening piece from his choral work “Proč bychom se netěšili,” famously known as “The Bartered Bride Overture” from the renowned Czech opera “The Bartered Bride.” In commemoration of Smetana’s 200th birthday, the Piccolo Choir & Small Orchestra are hosting concerts and festivals worldwide in 2024, celebrating the rich history of Czech composers. Through this concert, they aim to showcase the significance and distinctive characteristics of Czech music.

*****登記索票(Get ticket)*****


7/2  19:30  台北艋舺長老教會   Bang-kah Presbyterian ChurchIn Taiwan


7/5  19:30  高雄鳳山長老教會    Fong-san Presbyterian Church In Taiwan




*本音樂會由捷克文化部支持(This concert is supported by The Ministry of Culture, Czech Republic)

